Use color with purpose for your own benefits
It was Sir Isaac Newton, who discovered seven colors in the rainbow.
Colors have three main aspects:
1. Have healing qualities. Color healing has been practiced for thousands of years.
2. Have psychological effect on us that influences our mind and emotions.
3. Have esoteric side. This can be utilized to help encourage spiritual growth and development.
Then Pythagoras came up with his theory and these have been known for at least 2,600 years ago. In Pythagoras system of numerology, everyone has important numbers related to colors.
Using his theory, we analyze color combination of children, parents and indviduals. Are they balanced? Or any missing colors? With the analysis we would suggest some changes in color related matters such as the outfit to wear, color to choose for home and office, the food and drink to have, etc., to help the overall colors to be balanced in one's life.
Once we have the well balanced colors in our life, we will increase the odds to harness our potential to live to the fullest
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